Tag: liverpool roller birds
Welcome to Fresh Meat, 2015!
We were very excited to welcome our new intake this Saturday! At Liverpool Roller Birds, we have roughly 2-3 intakes per calendar year, training up new skaters to join our post-mins […]
British Championships Game 1 – Liverpool Roller Birds vs. Halifax Bruising Banditas!
Saturday morning saw us up bright and early, heading on a cozy coach to our first game in the UK’s first ever British Championships roller derby tournament. Our A team, […]
Liverpool Roller Birds: what’s in a name?
Happy New Year! You might already know that at the end of 2014 we announced our new team names. While our league name will stay as Liverpool Roller Birds, we […]
Charity Partners: WHISC and the Pyjama Party!
Every year LRB looks to do some good deeds and help a charity or two. This year our members voted WHISC (Women’s Health Information and Support Centre) as its charity […]
Liverpool Roller Birds (A) vs. Manchester Roller Derby
We traveled over to Manchester to see our mates at Manchester Roller Derby. Our A team were playing their A team, The Checkerbroads. We’re frenemies, but not really, well just […]
Home Double Header: Summary of LRB (B) vs. Wakey Wheeled Cats and LRB (A) vs. Tiger Bay Brawlers (B)
Saturday, September 20th was an exciting day in Liverpool and our teams had been training hard. The month of August had been taken off from bouting and travel scrimmages so […]
Earning your stripes – learning how to be a referee
I’m not a ref. I don’t think I want to be a ref all the time, but I’d like to have a few visits to refville while still maintaining my […]
Tori Bee (MRD/Team England) strikes again!
The lovely Tori Bee of Manchester Roller Derby and Team England fame came to see us again. I think it’s safe to say we all love Tori. Not only is […]