Join us as a Non Skating Official
If skating doesn’t appeal to you there are other ways that you can become a member of LRB.
Non Skating Officials (NSOs) are an essential part of the league. Every Saturday (11am-1pm) we practice the game of roller derby and need NSOs to keep us in check! They track penalties, keep score, time skaters who have been sent to the penalty box and more.
If you want to get involved in our Saturday practices you will be trained up by our Head NSO. Once you are trained up as well as helping out at weekly practices you can get involved in public games held by LRB or other leagues around the country.
Become a volunteer
Are you just too busy to commit to joining us but still want to be involved? No problem! We always need volunteers at games or to help with the promotion and organisation of events, so get in touch.
If you want to become an NSO or a volunteer, contact us for more information.