Category: New skaters
Want to start your roller derby journey with us? Hear from our newest skaters!
What is this roller derby thing all about? Is there a ball**… wilI I get hella sweaty… what if I fall? All valid questions and fears, which is why we […]
Meet our hatchie coaches!
Our new skaters join a ‘hatchlings’ programme to transform them into fully fledged Liverpool Roller Birds! Here we showcase some of our lovely coaches who help new skaters develop their […]
Liverpool Roller Birds – New Skater Perspective – “Like I’ve Only Just Started Living!”
Our newest skaters to join the Liverpool Roller Birds had the exciting opportunity of taking part in the rookie game at the Triple Header held on at Greenbank. These skaters […]
Joining Liverpool Roller Birds: “Meet loads of boss people and be part of one of the best sports ever!”
With our next Open Day just around the corner on Sunday 3 March, we decided to find out more about what it’s like to be a new skater and progress […]
Hatchlings’ top reasons to roll
Ask a derby player, in the UK at least, where they first heard of roller derby and quite often you’ll get the same answer. ‘Whip It.’ You know, that film […]
Welcome to Fresh Meat, 2015!
We were very excited to welcome our new intake this Saturday! At Liverpool Roller Birds, we have roughly 2-3 intakes per calendar year, training up new skaters to join our post-mins […]
Roller Derby Fresh Meat: So you’re gonna be a hatchling!
You’ve decided to start Roller Derby. Good! You’ve made your first step to a brand new obsession, even if you don’t realise it yet. But what’s in store and what […]
Cherry Poppin’ Madness!
We’ve been stuck to the media streams of the Men’s Roller Derby World Cup all weekend – could not tear ourselves away from twitter, the amazing live video feed, or (those of […]