Our vision
Liverpool Roller Birds’ vision is to compete locally and internationally at the highest levels of roller derby and to increase visibility and access to the sport in our local area and beyond.
Our mission statement
Liverpool Roller Birds’ mission is to increase opportunities for athletic competition and personal growth both on and off track. We will continue to support and encourage our skaters, officials and volunteers to reach their full potential. We will continue to be committed to equality, diversity and inclusion and foster a community of strong, confident skaters.
Our values
As a league, we have created a set of shared values that define how we run our league and what we appreciate in our fellow teammates.
These values were identified by members of the league and underpin our approach to roller derby. They guide us we continue to strive to create an inclusive and successful sports team:
- Respectful – We are committed to developing a culture and environment, which recognises and celebrates difference with dignity, courtesy and respect.
- Inclusive – Regardless of age, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, socio-economic status and religion or belief there is and will always be a place for you within our league. We make a discerned effort to increase the inclusivity within the team and have an EDI committee with active stratagem for increasing diversity and removing barriers to the sport wherever possible.
- Empowering – We work as a team to create a safe and welcoming space where league members feel supported and empowered by those around them.
- Progressive – We openly and transparently learn from our mistakes. We are a volunteer-run organisation and recognise that we won’t always get things right. However, we will always listen and learn, so that we can do our best with the skills and knowledge we have at that given time. We are always looking to improve, grow and develop our league.
- Positive – Enjoy learning, grow together. We are positive about roller derby and the people who work hard to make the sport run smoothly. Our positive attitude is reflected in all our activities on and off track.
- Political – We will not be silent in the face of discrimination. We take pride in striving to do the right thing and being accountable for our actions. We are committed to using our platform for social justice and amplifying the voices of others.
- Teamwork – We recognise the strength of a diverse team and were thankful to all league members as they all participate in ensuring the league continues to run.
- Proud – We see diversity within our league as a great strength. We are proud to represent LRB and for LRB to represent us.
- Competitive – We love gold! Be fit. Be strong. Work hard, be a team player.
Our commitment
With these values underpinning our league, our EDI Committee is now in place to ensure we are proactively increasing EDI within our league.
We are committed to making sure our members are safe when carrying out any roles or duties for us as part of the league.
We will not tolerate hatred, harassment or bullying, sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic or otherwise offensive and inflammatory remarks and behaviour are not acceptable.
These constitute harassment, and have no place within Liverpool Roller Birds. We will ask members or visitors to leave if they are in violation of our code of conduct.