Welcome to Fresh Meat, 2015!

We were very excited to welcome our new intake this Saturday! At Liverpool Roller Birds, we have roughly 2-3 intakes per calendar year, training up new skaters to join our post-mins and team skaters.  With our contingent of advanced fresh  meat still representing, our hall was absolutely PACKED with excited soon-to-be-derby-skaters.  It was chaotic and entirely exhilarating.

After warming up off-skates, our new intake got kitted up and checked out for safety first.  Our Hatchlings (our name for fresh meat, we think it’s a bit clever!) then followed the lead of Hatchling Coaches Mint Collision and Cali Floor’Ya to learn how to do things like propel themselves, stop, and fall safely.

The new intake immediately set about impressing their coaches with their skills, quickly picking up the plow stop, knee taps and falls, and even experimenting with crossovers and backward skating.

Lisa, Amy, Sophie, Hannah, Lauren, Shelly & Kally
Birds in training: Lisa, Amy, Sophie, Hannah, Lauren, Shelly & Kally

But that’s just the newbies.  We have a fantastic group of skaters who are nearly passed their mins, and they were at training too.  We had a full hall, as you can tell, but not a moment was wasted.  Our more advanced Hatchlings were treated to instruction by fantastic Sisters of Mersey skater, Atomic Hittin’ and crossover skater, Boa D’Slayer.  They got to do things like be rockstars for the day, and jump over mighty big logs (or a plank six inches off the floor.  They’re similar, aren’t they?).

Well done all of you, new hatchlings and old alike! We are so excited to have you with us, and hope you’re prepared for the derby love to take over your lives.

If you’re interested in joining, get in touch by emailing our friendly Training committee on:  hello@liverpoolrollerbirds.co.uk

Cali and Mint, they do love their job!






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